A sustainable Hafslund
Hafslund has a sustainability strategy that is integrated into the Group’s strategic focus areas. The Group has identified important areas of sustainability using a double materiality analysis based on the principles of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The analysis provides an in-depth understanding of the Group’s impact on people and the environment, and the sustainability risks and opportunities that exist for Hafslund.
How the Group works with the most important business areas is described under the strategic focus areas to which they are associated. For example, we describe how we work with climate positivity and efficient and circular use of materials and resource utilisation under the strategic focus area climate and nature positive.
The overview below summarises Hafslund’s strategic focus areas and all of the important sustainability topics. However, some of them are not directly linked to one strategic focus area but are more comprehensive. Below is a description of how Hafslund works with each of the important sustainability topics, including goals, measures and KPIs.
Strategy 2035
Focus areas and goals for sustainability are fully integrated with the Group strategy, and a materiality analysis that maps the Group’s impact on people and the environment, ESG risks and opportunities is a central part of defining where we stand today and how we want to develop.
Read more about
Hafslund’s significant sustainability areas
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Hafslund supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Group's operations have an impact on several of the SDGs. The Group has concentrated its attention on the sustainable development goals that have the greatest impact, and has therefore placed a particular focus on the following five SDGs.
Other sustainability priorities
Most of the topic areas that are important to Hafslund within sustainability have a close link to the strategic focus areas presented. However, there are several important sustainability topics that are not directly linked to one strategic initiative.
Important sustainability topics
- Third-party safety
- Contribution to society and local value creation
- Responsible procurement practices
- Transparency and forward-looking reporting
- Ethics and anti-corruption
- Secure IT services and systems
Contribution to society and local value creation
Hafslund’s business activities create substantial value for society, for example in the form of tax revenues for the Norwegian State and profits that go towards society at large, since the Group is 100 per cent owned by the City of Oslo. The core business supplies society with renewable energy and maintains the security of supply in Norway. Hafslund is a large employer and provides many jobs across all of Southern Norway.
Our approach and initiatives
Dividend in its entirety returned to society
As a power producer, we utilise the country’s natural resources and are therefore subject to special taxation in the form of resource rent tax. This provides society with significant tax revenues each year. The City of Oslo is the sole owner of the Hafslund Group, and the dividend paid from Hafslund to the City of Oslo is used to cover welfare services for the residents of Norway’s capital city. The capital retained at Hafslund is used to develop new renewable power and other investments that are in line with the Group’s strategy.
Value creation in local communities
Hafslund maintains a close relationship with the local communities in which we operate and the host municipalities of our power plants. The Group seeks to engage in close dialogue with local communities, and endeavours to use local service providers and partners in all situations when this is possible. Using local service providers places less strain on the environment and local infrastructure, while also safeguarding local jobs.
Hafslund’s sponsorship activities are managed in line with the Group’s values and strategic goals. The Group provides sponsorship support to associations within sports, outdoor activities and culture for children and young people, and especially in areas close to our locations, power plants and facilities. The Group also provides support to stakeholders and activities that focus on climate and the environment, and has collaborative agreements with the environmental NGOs Zero and Bellona.
Some of the major sponsorship agreements that were signed in 2022 include:
- Hafslund became the main partner for the Association for the Promotion of Skiing (Skiforeningen) in Oslo. Hafslund and the Skiforeningen are planning to collaborate on a range of initiatives from electric bike chargers to electric snowcats.
- Hafslund Oslo Celsio entered into a sponsorship agreement with Klemetsrud Sports Club (Klemetsrud idrettslag) and Mortensrud School to establish the Celsio Academy, which is a free sports academy for children in grades 5-7 at Mortensrud, Klemetsrud and Stenbråten schools.
Hafslund Hovedgård
Hafslund owns and manages Hafslund Hovedgård in Sarpsborg. This manor house has had an international format since the 1400s and is used today for courses, conferences and other major corporate events. It is widely used by the Hafslund Group itself, however is also available for use in the market for commercial courses and conferences. In January 2022, Hafslund Hovedgård became a member of De Historiske – Historic Hotels & Restaurants in Norway, and is part of their course and conference initiative. The main house is open for guided tours every Sunday in July, while the park is open to the public all year round.
Since the City of Oslo is the sole owner of the Hafslund Group, the dividend paid from Hafslund to the City of Oslo is used to cover welfare services for the residents of Norway’s capital city.
Status 2022
Goal | Results 2022 | Remarks |
Local taxes and fees | NOK 2,079 million | Paid natural resource tax, property tax, licence fees and the advantage of concessionary power to host municipalities/affected municipalities. |
Taxes and fees to the State | NOK 4,960 million | Paid resource rent tax, ordinary income tax, licence fee, NOx tax, incineration fee and employer's National Insurance contributions to the State. |
Dividend to owner | NOK 1,750 million | Paid dividend to the City of Oslo. |
Indicator table for contribution to society and local value creation.
Value creation for 2022 based on profit or loss figures
The diagram on the next page distributes the amounts recognised in the profit and loss statement, instead of the paid amounts which have been reviewed above. The value creation of the Hafslund Group has been calculated by taking the revenues recognised for 2022 (revenues and other income, profit/loss from equity-accounted investees, realised and unrealised gains and losses on currency and interest income), and deducting energy purchases and transmission costs, as well as value changes of land compensation rights. Distribution to owners includes the decided repayment of subordinated loans to other than own subsidiaries, in addition to dividends.
Total value creation corresponds to NOK 22 billion.
Third-party safety
We take the safety of those who move in and around our power plants and facilities seriously, and our clear objective is that there shall be no injuries or accidents to third parties as a result of the Group's activities.
Our approach and initiatives
The Group continually works to ensure that the watercourse facilities are safe for the public and to reduce the risk of accidents and incidents taking place near the watercourses. Risk and vulnerability analyses of public safety are regularly carried out.
We assign particular attention to safety measures in and around the hydropower plants. The most common safety measures are permanent fences, barriers and signs. Every year, temporary fences and warning signs are erected in areas with weakened ice. Information is also provided online, advertisements are placed in local newspapers, and notice is given via other channels that the ice may be unsafe on regulated watercourses.
Hafslund is a developer with a high level of activity within the conversion and rehabilitation of dams and power plants and the construction of new facilities. The Group goes to great lengths in all projects to protect the safety of the general public by erecting signs and barriers and developing procedures to ensure that the work is performed within defined areas. A safe job analysis (SJA) is also carried out for all jobs, which includes a risk assessment for third parties.
Hydroelectric power plants themselves also contribute to protecting the surrounding area. The reservoirs help reduce the risk of flooding in the watercourses and the associated damage. Hafslund actively uses the reservoirs to mitigate flooding by reducing and levelling out flooding during periods with heavy precipitation and inflow. There is a close and regular dialogue with the NVE, regulatory associations, public authorities and affected parties in the event of flood alleviation and flood situations.
Our goal is that there shall be no injuries or accidents to third parties as a result of the Group’s activities.
Our goals and status 2022
Goal | Results 2022 | Satisfaction | Remarks |
No injuries or accidents to third parties as a result of the Group's activities | 0 | No injuries to third parties in 2022 |
Indicator table for third party safety.
Responsible procurement practices
Hafslund wishes to contribute to the safeguarding of human rights and employee conditions in the value chain, and strives to have good routines for setting requirements and following up suppliers with regard to human rights and workers’ rights. It is important for Hafslund to maintain high ethical standards in all business operations.
Our approach and initiatives
The Oslo Model
The Group has implemented the Oslo Model, which is a collective term for a number of good practice provisions that are incorporated into contract terms for the purchase of goods and services, and building and construction. Hafslund sets clear requirements for its suppliers within all product and service areas. All suppliers and their subcontractors shall conduct their activities in accordance with nationally and internationally recognised principles and guidelines relating to human and workers’ rights, corruption and health, safety and the environment.
Setting requirements
The Group’s companies conduct procurements in accordance with good business practice. Separate ethical guidelines have been established for suppliers based on international ILO and UN conventions. The choice of suppliers and partners is an important part of the work for a sustainable business and industry, and Hafslund wants to take greater responsibility for the environmental and social impact of the value chain that the Group is a part of.
Hafslund has adopted standards for socially responsible procurement to prevent labour market crime and social dumping in the building and construction industry. These standards are intended to ensure decent working conditions for employees and contractors, limit the number of links in the supply chain and promote recruitment of apprentices and trained professionals.
The Norwegian Transparency Act
A key project in 2022 was to strengthen our due diligence work in line with the new Transparency Act, which entered into force on 1 July 2022. The purpose of the Act is to promote companies’ respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production and delivery of goods and services. Read more.
Our goals and status 2022
Goal | Results 2022 | Satisfaction | Remarks |
No known violations of human rights or workers' rights in the value chain | 0 | Hafslund does not currently have a system for detecting serious violations, however efforts are being made to get this in place. | |
Conduct supplier audits that include sustainability issues | 0 | No supplier audits regarding sustainability conducted in 2022. This work will be systematised and there will be an increased focus from 2023. |
Indicator table for responsible procurement practices.
Secure IT services and systems
Hafslund is subject to laws and regulations that set high standards for the protection of information, services, systems and production facilities. Digital and physical security are a prerequisite for ensuring that there is trust in Hafslund’s ability to provide society with a continuous power supply and to preserve the trust of owners, partners, customers and own employees.
Our approach and initiatives
The overarching goal is to maintain a secure and stable power supply and provision of IT services and systems to the Group and applicable subsidiaries, without loss of data or availability beyond acceptable downtime. Continuous modernisation and technological development are crucial for being able to respond to an increasingly more advanced and intensified digital threat landscape. In 2021, Hafslund modernised and consolidated a large part of its IT portfolio and IT security solutions. New and more modern solutions were established and further developed. This work was further developed in 2022.
Information security and privacy
Hafslund continually works to improve information security in order to reduce the risk of undesirable incidents, sabotage, damage and vandalism. Everyone needs to be confident that Hafslund fulfils its statutory and regulatory obligations, and that the Group has established measures to ensure the protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, services, systems and facilities. Hafslund takes information security and privacy seriously, and in 2022 implemented several projects, improvement initiatives and activities to address a more intensified risk and threat landscape.
Work with information security at Hafslund
Information is something that is of very high value to Hafslund. We protect the value this information represents with structured processes and measures in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001 and an information security management system (ISMS). This is an important tool for both management and operational work within information security. The management system is designed to ensure that Hafslund complies with applicable laws and regulations, and that active and preventive work on information security is being carried out.
Privacy at Hafslund is important for protecting and processing information about employees, customers and partners. The risk of privacy breaches relates to possible deficiencies and non-conformities regarding compliance with requirements in data protection laws and regulations that have been imposed. In 2022, Hafslund continued its work on ensuring that the Group complies with data protection requirements. Routines, procedures and frameworks have been further developed and integrated into the Group’s information security management system.
Information security risk management
Information security risk management is a continual and ongoing process. The Group relies on the national risk and threat assessments from the Norwegian Intelligence Service (NIS), Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) and National Security Authority (NSM), and uses ISO/IEC 27005 as a framework for risk assessment and management. The ownership of risk is placed in the line and service owner organisation. Information security risk management is integrated into day-to-day management and operations, and, by virtue of their roles, all managers have an implicit responsibility for supervising information security within their area of responsibility and authority. This includes monitoring that implemented security measures function as intended. This responsibility also applies when security tasks are entrusted to contractual partners and other enterprises.
Supplier and third-party risks
The security situation in Ukraine has resulted in a heightened risk and threat landscape. This has led to a stronger need for closer follow-up and dialogue with subcontractors that provide services, systems and equipment to the Group. Hafslund has had a higher level of preparedness and ongoing dialogue with government authorities, partners and suppliers regarding the situation and changes in the risk landscape.
Personnel security
Personnel security includes the risk of personnel abusing employment relationships and legitimate access for nefarious and unauthorised purposes. Hafslund is required by law to conduct background checks in connection with recruitment and hiring processes. Personnel security at Hafslund therefore has to be maintained and safeguarded through robust processes involving the entire employment arrangement, including background checks, duty of confidentiality, information and training, and access based on the principle of least privilege (PoLP). Based on the international security situation in 2022, the Group has further developed the procedures with clearer guidelines for the recruitment and employment of personnel from so-called high-risk countries.
Physical security
Strict requirements are imposed on Hafslund through laws and regulations for the physical security of services, systems, locations and production facilities. The information security management system specifies defined requirements for the physical security of IT, with combinations of zoning, access control, monitoring and detection, and the ability to respond to unauthorised movement, access and intrusion.
The physical security of the company’s physical assets, properties and production facilities is continuously improved and further developed in accordance with requirements that are imposed and changes in the threat and risk landscape. In 2022, the situation in Ukraine resulted in greater attention being paid to physical security and the need for increased vigilance with regard to undesirable behaviour and access to the Group’s locations, power plants and facilities. Hafslund has followed the recommendations and advice given by the government authorities and national security agencies.
Our goals and status 2022
Goal | Results 2022 | Satisfaction | Remarks |
No IT security incidents that were not dealt with | 0 | All IT security incidents were dealt with and followed up. | |
No IT security incidents with serious consequences | 2 | Two registered incidents that can be categorised as being more serious. Both incidents were dealt with and followed up with incident reports that included follow-up points. | |
Minimum 1 IT emergency response exercise held | 3 | A total of 3 IT emergency response exercises were held in 2022. |
Indicator table for secure IT services and systems.
Ethics and anti-corruption
Hafslund has a zero tolerance policy towards corruption and shall actively work with its commitments to ethics and anti-corruption. The greatest risk of corruption in any company can be said to be corruption that is not visible, and important risk factors are inadequate information about and access to whistleblowing channels, insufficient training in ethics and anti-corruption, and a lack of control mechanisms for identifying potential cases of corruption.
Our initiatives
All Hafslund employees must sign ethical guidelines upon employment. Hafslund’s ethical guidelines include rules for good personal conduct, good business practices, and notification and management of potential breaches. The guidelines provide directions for how employees should interact, both internally and externally. They apply to all employees in the Group and those acting on behalf of Hafslund, for example, directors and hired consultants. The Group has an external whistleblowing channel for reporting concerning incidents. In 2023, an e-learning platform will be established for ethical guidelines in the Group and dilemma training will be held for all employees.
All Hafslund employees must sign ethical guidelines upon employment.
Our goals and status 2022
Goal | Results 2022 | Satisfaction | Remarks |
All employees have signed ethical guidelines | - | All employees must sign ethical guidelines upon employment. There is currently a lack of registration and further work is required to have this in place. | |
No known instances of corruption | 0 |
Indicator table for ethics and anti-corruption.
EU taxonomy
The EU taxonomy consists of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the Taxonomy Regulation, and is a classification system that the EU has introduced to determine the sustainability of an economic activity. In Norway, the EU taxonomy is applied through the Act relating to the disclosure of sustainability information in the financial sector and a framework for sustainable investments. The Act entered into force on 1 January 2023. This entails that there is no reporting requirement for the 2022 financial year. However, in line with the Ministry of Finance’s request to Norwegian companies, Hafslund has chosen to include taxonomy-related information in Hafslund’s annual report for the 2022 financial year.
Read moreThe Norwegian Transparency Act
A key project in 2022 was to strengthen our due diligence work in line with the new Transparency Act, which entered into force on 1 July 2022. The purpose of the Act is to promote companies’ respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production and delivery of goods and services.
Read moreIndicator tables for sustainability
The indicator tables for the sustainability indicators are divided according to the important sustainability topics and paint a comprehensive picture of Hafslund’s sustainability work.
Figures from 2021 are only included for Hafslund Eco Vannkraft and Hafslund Vekst, because Hafslund Oslo Celsio was not part of the Group in 2021.
Indicator table: The road towards climate positivity
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 1 | ||||
Hydropower | tCO₂e | 1,053 | 619 | Increase in emissions from hydropower compared to 2021 due to two significant leaks of SF6 gas. |
District heating | tCO₂e | 5,859 | - | Emissions from district heating relate to the use of LNG as peak load. |
Waste incineration | tCO₂e | 197,777 | - | |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 2 (market-based) | ||||
Hydropower | tCO₂e | 0 | 0 | Hafslund Eco Vannkraft purchases guarantees of origin for its entire consumption. |
District heating | tCO₂e | 129,033 | - | In 2022, Hafslund Oslo Celsio did not purchase guarantees of origin for its consumption of electricity in district heating and waste incineration. |
Waste incineration | tCO₂e | 17,941 | - | |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 2 (location-based) | ||||
Hydropower | tCO₂e | 224 | 243 | |
District heating | tCO₂e | 3,504 | - | |
Waste incineration | tCO₂e | 488 | - | |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 3 | ||||
Hydropower | tCO₂e | 84,704 | 2,954 | Expansion of Scope 3 in 2022. The largest emissions are related to ownership in Eidsiva, purchased goods and services and capital goods. |
District heating + waste incineration | tCO₂e | 23,187 | - | |
CO₂ intensity district heating | gCO₂e/kWh | 15.7 | - | Calculated based on the methodology in accordance with the EPD regulations. |
Energy consumption | ||||
Hydropower | GWh | 22.6 | 16.4 | |
District heating + waste incineration | GWh | 1,919.9 | - | |
Share of electric vehicles | Per cent | 33 | 17 | |
Biogenic emissions | tCO₂e | 188,551 | - | Only applies to emissions from waste incineration. Renewable fuels not included |
Indicator table: The road towards nature positivity
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Land restored or improved | m2 | 847 | - | New spawning grounds in the Aurland watercourse. |
Number of new developments in areas defined as encroachment-free nature | Number | 0 | - | New indicator. |
Number of violations of licence conditions and description | Number and remarks | 3 | 3 | Vetlebotvatn in Aurland: Violation of lowest regulated water level for summer for two hours on 5 September 2022. Moelv power plant in Ringsaker: The minimum water flow requirement past the power plant was not complied with on four occasions from 8 December 2021 to 13 December 2021. Raudalsvatn in Skjåk: Deviation from minimum water flow in Framrusti below Raudalsvatn between 1pm and 6pm on 1 July 2022. |
Costs for watercourse-related R&D and voluntary nature surveys | NOK | 5,732,000 | - | New indicator. |
Affected rivers with anadromous fish | Number | 3 | 3 | |
Affected national salmon watercourses | Number | 0 | 1 | |
Environmental audits carried out | Number | 22 | 32 | |
Environmental measures implemented | Number | 22 | 7 | |
Environmental measures implemented, including voluntary | Number | 19 | 3 | |
Environmental studies carried out | Number | 37 | 41 | |
Environmental studies carried out, including voluntary | Number | 33 | 36 | |
Release of salmon roe | Number | 33,700 | 350,000 | |
Migration in fish ladders and migration routes. Number of fish ladders that are monitored | Number | 10 | 9 | |
Closed watercourse installations returned to natural conditions | Number | 0 | 0 | In 2022, the NVE issued a positive recommendation to shut down the Hunsjø Reservoir and reduce the regulation water level for Hyllsjøen. The matter is now being processed by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. |
Voluntary release of minimum water flow to protect the fish in the watercourses | NOK million | 23.3 | 12.4 | The voluntary release in Hemsil was replaced by an imposed release. In Innlandet, there is the self-imposed trial regulation in Hunderfossen, and self-imposed minimum water flow in winter in Mesna and Sagnfossen. |
Number of incidents involving emissions into the air/soil/water, and description | Number and remarks | 5 | 7 | In 2022, there were five major or minor oil spill incidents near Hafslund Eco Vannkraft's plants, which resulted in the total discharge of approximately 530 litres of oil. |
NOx emissions (Hafslund Oslo Celsio) | kg | 335.4 | - |
Indicator table: Driving force for renewable energy through good stakeholder dialogue
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Hydropower’s reputation among the general public | Per cent | 89 | 90 | Support for hydropower is consistently high among the general public. Source: Kantar's Climate Barometer 2022 |
Percentage of large hydropower projects that have been commenced which include stakeholder dialogue out of consideration to society, the public and the environment | Per cent | 95 | - | New indicator. |
Indicator table: Efficient and circular use of materials and resource utilisation
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Quantity of hazardous waste | - | |||
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the Group | Tonnes | 8 | - | New indicator. |
Hafslund Oslo Celsio | Tonnes | 17,791 | - | New indicator. For Hafslund Oslo Celsio, fly ash from waste incineration amounts to 17,666 tonnes. |
Quantity of non-hazardous waste | - | |||
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the Group | Tonnes | 828 | - | New indicator. |
Hafslund Oslo Celsio | Tonnes | 62,138 | - | New indicator. The majority of Hafslund Oslo Celsio's waste consists of bottom ash (slag) from waste incineration. The ash is further treated by other operators, where metals are extracted and recycled (close to 4,600 tonnes of various metals). |
Sorting rate | - | |||
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the Group | Per cent | 89 | - | Sorting rate = Quantity of sorted waste/total quantity of waste (both sorted and unsorted) X 100 |
Hafslund Oslo Celsio | Per cent | - | - | |
- | ||||
Sorting rate for large hydropower projects | Per cent | 91 | - | Calculated from four out of six of the largest construction projects. |
Quantity of waste treated at waste incineration plants | Tonnes | 355,686 | - | Total Klemetsrud and Haraldrud. |
Indicator table: Production of clean energy
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Production of power | GWh | 13,800 | 18,315 | Hafslund's share of production in all power plants. |
Share of renewable power production | Per cent | 100 | 100 | |
Production of district heating | GWh | 1,807 | - | |
Share of renewable district heating | Per cent | 43.2 | - | |
Share of carbon-neutral district heating | Per cent | 55.3 | - | |
Production of Guarantees of Origin | GWh | 13,200 | 18,150 | |
Production of electricity certificates | GWh | 780 | 852 | |
Power losses as a result of regulatory revisions | GWh | 14.7 | 6.7 | Power loss of 11.6 GWh/year in the Hols regulation and 2.9 Wh/year in the 24-hour regulation. |
Indicator table: Investments in clean energy
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Increased installed capacity - power production | MW | 9.9 | 118.9 | Mork power plant was completed in 2022. |
Increased installed capacity - district heating | MW | 50 | - | Conversion of older facilities to renewable. |
Reinvestment in production facilities (upgrades and expansions) | GWh | 13 | 28.2 | Aurland 1, Unit 2. |
Investment in new production | GWh | 43 | 412 | Mork power plant was completed in 2022. |
Renewable energy projects in planning phase | GWh | 700 | 26 | Approximate figures that include: Sarp2, FKF5, Hemsil 2, Longavotn, Kåja, Storrusten, Tunna, Grotli, Øyangen and Bjørkum. |
Indicator table: Security of supply
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Security of supply at Celsio | Per cent | 99.97 | - | Only unplanned stoppage of supply gives 99.99%. |
Indicator table: Safety for our employees
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Absence due to injury per million working hours | ||||
Hafslund (the entire Group) | H1-value | 1.2 | - | |
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft | H1-value | 0.9 | 1 | |
Hafslund Celsio | H1-value | 1.6 | - | |
Injuries per million working hours | ||||
Hafslund (the entire Group) | H2-value | 2.9 | - | |
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft | H2-value | 3.7 | 7 | |
Hafslund Celsio | H2-value | 1.6 | - | |
Days of absence per million working hours | ||||
Hafslund (the entire Group) | F-value | 3.5 | - | |
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft | F-value | 4.6 | 203 | |
Hafslund Celsio | F-value | 1 | - | |
Registered undesirable incidents and proposed improvements | ||||
Hafslund (the entire Group) | Number | 1,325 | - | |
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft | Number | 857 | 1,279 | |
Hafslund Celsio | Number | 468 | - | |
Safety talks at Celsio | Number | 126 | - |
Indicator table: Attractive and developing workplace
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
New hires | ||||
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the Group | Number | 69 | 35 | |
Hafslund Oslo Celsio | Number | 23 | - | |
Turnover | ||||
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the Group | Per cent | 6.5 | 3.4 | This includes retirements. |
Hafslund Oslo Celsio | Per cent | 4.3 | - | |
Proportion of managers who have completed leadership development programmes | ||||
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the Group | Per cent | 100 | - | New indicator. |
Hafslund Oslo Celsio | Per cent | 93 | - | New indicator. |
Use of whistleblowing channel | Number/year | 0 | 0 | |
Sick leave | Per cent | 3.8 | 2.8 | Still low sick leave compared to the national average. The increase from last year is probably due to increased short-term sick leave as a result of covid-19. |
Indicator table: Space for differences and equal opportunities for all
Indicator | Unit | Result | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Proportion of female employees in the Group | Per cent | 22 | 22 | The proportion of female employees has increased at Hafslund Eco Vannkraft and Hafslund Vekst over the past year, however this is brought down slightly by the lower proportion of female employees at Hafslund Oslo Celsio. |
Proportion of women in the Group management team | Per cent | 50 | - | New indicator. |
Proportion of women in executive positions | Per cent | 32 | 28 | |
Number of incidents of discrimination or harassment | Number | 0 | - | New indicator. |
Number of instances of discrimination or harassment that were processed and for which an action plan was established | Number | 0 | - | New indicator. |
Indicator table: Third-party safety
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Injuries to third parties as a result of the company’s activities | Number | 0 | 0 | |
Incidents reported to the NVE (accidents and incidents), cf. NVE reporting form, Section 7-11 of the Dam Safety Regulations | Number | 1 | 0 | |
Completed risk and vulnerability assessments (RVAs) for public safety according to plan, cf. Section 7-6 in the Dam Safety Regulations | Number | 4 | 21 | |
Incidents with notification to the public of flood alleviation according to established procedure | Number | - | 0 | |
Emergency response exercises to ensure a high standard for internal preparedness and flood management | Number | 31 | 23 | Emergency response exercises. Excluding IT exercises and practical team exercises. |
Applications to the NVE for deviations from regulation schedules or conditions in order to reduce risk of flood damage in time | Number | 1 | 1 | Approval of application for advance flood alleviation from Ustevatn to Rødungen South to prevent possible damaging floods downstream from Ustevatn. |
Incidents reported to the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) (accidents and incidents), cf. form for reporting accidents and incidents, Section 8 of the Norwegian Safety regulations relating to the maintenance and operation of electrical installations | Number | 0 | 0 |
Indicator table: Contribution to society and local value creation
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Value creation and distribution to host municipalities in the form of direct taxes and fees | NOK million | 447 | 474 | Paid during the year. Includes natural resource tax and property tax. |
Contributions to host municipalities/county authorities in the form of concessionary power benefit | NOK million | 1,549 | 586 | Paid during the year. |
Contributions to municipalities/county authorities in the form of licence fees | NOK million | 83 | 82 | Paid during the year. |
Value creation and distribution to the Norwegian State in the form of direct taxes and fees | NOK million | 4,960 | 132 | Paid during the year. Tax, employer's National Insurance contributions, licence fee, NOx tax, and incineration fee. |
Total remuneration to employees | NOK million | 751 | 472 | |
Return to owner (City of Oslo) in the form of dividend | NOK million | 1,750 | 850 | Dividend paid in 2022. |
Indicator table: Responsible procurement practices
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Number of known violations of human rights or workers' rights | Number | 0 | 0 | |
Number of supplier audits conducted, which includes sustainability issues | Number | 0 | 0 | No audits conducted. Work with due diligence assessments and follow-up of suppliers, including supplier audits, is to be strengthened in 2023. This may affect the results going forward. |
Percentage of suppliers that have signed ethical guidelines for suppliers | Per cent | - | - | Suppliers sign ethical guidelines upon entering into contract. Better systems for following up and reporting on this will be introduced. |
Indicator table: Focus on ethics and anti-corruption
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Employees who have pledged to comply with the company's ethical guidelines | ||||
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the Group | Per cent | - | - | All new employees pledge to comply when signing employment contract. Complete overview of the percentage of non-compliance for the Group, excluding Hafslund Oslo Celsio. At Hafslund Oslo Celsio, 75.8% have signed ethical guidelines. |
Hafslund Oslo Celsio | Per cent | 75.8 | - | |
Number of confirmed breaches of ethical guidelines | Number | 0 | 0 |
Indicator table: Secure IT services and systems
Indicator | Unit | Result 2022 | Result 2021 | Remarks 2022 |
Number of IT security incidents that were not dealt with | Number | 0 | - | New indicator. All IT incidents were dealt with and followed up. |
Number of IT security incidents with serious consequences | Number | 2 | - | New indicator. Two registered incidents that can be categorised as being more serious. Both incidents were dealt with and followed up with incident reports that included follow-up points. |
Number of IT emergency response exercises | Number | 3 | - | New indicator. A total of 3 IT emergency response exercises were held in 2022. |