Smart and green urban development

Society is electrifying, and we are using more and more electricity. Access to renewable energy is increasing, however consumption is increasing even faster. At Hafslund, our objective is to facilitate electrification that contributes to greener and smarter cities.

Hafslund is an energy and infrastructure group that, in addition to being a major producer of renewable energy, is contributing towards providing the towns and cities of the future with central thermal energy systems and solutions that contribute to electrification and energy efficiency. Hafslund is working to establish smart digital energy solutions that contribute to efficient and simple energy consumption, as well as stable and predictable energy prices.

Towards 2035 we will

  • Develop solutions within electrification and energy efficiency that create value for industry and energy efficiency
  • Develop the thermal energy system in Oslo and the surrounding area
  • Focus on business concepts at the intersection between a smart city and the energy system
  • Be an active driving force for green industries and jobs in Norway
Smart and green urban development

Electrification, energy efficiency and simple green solutions

Electrification, energy efficiency and simple green solutions are key drivers for creating the renewable Norway and sustainable society of the future. This is closely linked to the value chain of Hafslund’s core business within energy production. Hafslund Vekst is the major engine for finding new solutions and business concepts within electrification and energy efficiency.


One of Hafslund’s major start-up success stories is the charging station company Elaway, which is helping to facilitate the electrification of the Norwegian, and eventually also the European, vehicle fleet by delivering charging solutions to housing cooperatives, condominiums and commercial buildings. The company builds, operates and rents out charging stations. Elaway is currently owned together with Eviny and has offices in Bergen, Stockholm, Munich and Oslo.

Hafslund Rådgivning offers consultancy assignments in areas such as electrification. The consultancy initiative was established in 2019 to make Hafslund’s expertise within electrification and energy available. Since its inception, the consultancy service has become one of Norway’s foremost centres of expertise in this area.

Energy efficiency

In the autumn of 2022 Hafslund Vekst invested in the company Volte, which will contribute to energy efficiency by helping companies reduce their electricity consumption. Volte is owned together with Eviny and is an electricity company for businesses that has clear and transparent agreements. Volte is also an energy technology company that utilises the opportunities that exist in energy data in order to develop analyses, products and services that assist companies with saving power.

The venture community at Hafslund Vekst has also invested in the company Smartwatt, which is a start-up based on energy efficiency. They offer AI-based control systems for optimised energy consumption in buildings.

Simple green solutions

Hafslund wants to make energy and green solutions simple for both private individuals and companies. Hafslund Vekst and Hafslund Oslo Celsio focus their work on end users, and are engaged in business development that will lead to simple and green solutions. Hafslund Rådgivning obtains knowledge about where the challenges exist and the business concepts that we scale, and the companies we invest in must reflect our ambition to make energy and sustainable lifestyles easier and smarter. We are curious about the solutions and believe that technology at the end-user level is an important part of a green transition.

Good minds are the key

Without the best minds, we will not succeed in any of the other ambitious initiatives and targets we have set ourselves for 2035. That is why we will work to ensure that Hafslund becomes the workplace where the talent comes knocking on our door.

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