Indicator tables

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EBITDAOperating profit/loss + depreciation
Net interest-bearing liabilitiesGross interest-bearing liabilities - interest-bearing receivables - bank deposits - money market funds
Engaged capitalEquity + net interest-bearing liabilities + Tax payable
ROEProfit after tax/Avg equity 1.1.and 31.12
ROCEOperating profit / Avg committed capital 1.1.and 31.12
Debt/EBITDAAverage net interest-bearing debt 1.1 and 31.12 / EBITDA
FFO/Debt(EBITDA - interest paid - tax paid) / Average net interest-bearing debt 1.1 and 31.12
Hydropower productionTotal production in power plants in TWh
Achieved power pricePower production sold in spot market, industrial contracts and concessionary power, and realised results from financial power hedging.
District heating sales Total district heating volume sold, in GWh
Underlying resultsResult corrected for non-recurring items and unrealised changes in value.

Key figures and list of definitions have been expanded in relation to 2021 as a result of Hafslund Oslo Celsio becoming part of the Hafslund Group during 2022.

Alternative performance measures

NOK million31.12.202231.12.2021
Long-term interest-bearing debt20,20317,745
Value change loan portfolio153-259
Short-term interest-bearing debt2,819950
Gross interest-bearing debt incl subordinated debt23,17418,436
Cash and cash equivalents13,4976,988
Other long-term interest-bearing receivables155112
Net interest-bearing debt9,52311,336
Net interest-bearing debt9,52311,336
Taxes payable13,4824,895
Capital employed65,60943,046
Operating profit (EBIT)19,3408,463
Value changes in power price and foreign exchange contracts435647
Value change land compensation rights8220
Result share Eidsiva Energi - excess or defeat revenue after tax131349
Underlying operating profit19,9149,678
Profit after tax4,3442,611
Value changes and one-offs operating profit5741,215
Tax effects adjustments and one-offs-101-272
Underlying profit after tax4,8173,554
Operating profit (EBIT)19,3408,463
Capital employed (average)54,32744,052
ROCE / return on capital employed35.6%19.2%
Profit after tax4,3442,611
Equity (average)34,71026,327
ROE / return on equity12.5%9.9%
Net interest-bearing debt (average)10,42914,990
Interest paid -664-605
Taxes paid-4,701-273
Net interest-bearing debt (average)10,42914,990
FFO / debt 141 %54 %

Indicator table - The road towards climate positivity

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 1
HydropowertCO₂e1,053619Increase in emissions from hydropower compared to 2021 due to two significant leaks of SF6 gas.
District heatingtCO₂e5,859-Emissions from district heating relate to the use of LNG as peak load.
Waste incinerationtCO₂e197,777-
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 2 (market-based)
HydropowertCO₂e00Hafslund Eco Vannkraft purchases guarantees of origin for its entire consumption.
District heatingtCO₂e129,033-In 2022, Hafslund Oslo Celsio did not purchase guarantees of origin for its consumption of electricity in district heating and waste incineration.
Waste incinerationtCO₂e17,941-
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 2 (location-based)
District heatingtCO₂e3,504-
Waste incinerationtCO₂e488-
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 3
HydropowertCO₂e84,7042,954Expansion of Scope 3 in 2022. The largest emissions are related to ownership in Eidsiva, purchased goods and services and capital goods.
District heating + waste incinerationtCO₂e23,187-
CO₂ intensity district heatinggCO₂e/kWh15.7-Calculated based on the methodology in accordance with the EPD regulations.
Energy consumption
District heating + waste incinerationGWh1,919.9-
Share of electric vehiclesPer cent3317
Biogenic emissionstCO₂e188,551-Only applies to emissions from waste incineration. Renewable fuels not included

Indicator table - The road towards nature positivity

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
Land restored or improvedm2847-New spawning grounds in the Aurland watercourse.
Number of new developments in areas defined as encroachment-free natureNumber0- New indicator.
Number of violations of licence conditions and descriptionNumber and remarks33Vetlebotvatn in Aurland: Violation of lowest regulated water level for summer for two hours on 5 September 2022. Moelv power plant in Ringsaker: The minimum water flow requirement past the power plant was not complied with on four occasions from 8 December 2021 to 13 December 2021. Raudalsvatn in Skjåk: Deviation from minimum water flow in Framrusti below Raudalsvatn between 1pm and 6pm on 1 July 2022.
Costs for watercourse-related R&D and voluntary nature surveysNOK5,732,000-New indicator.
Affected rivers with anadromous fishNumber33
Affected national salmon watercoursesNumber01
Environmental audits carried outNumber2232
Environmental measures implementedNumber227
Environmental measures implemented, including voluntaryNumber193
Environmental studies carried outNumber3741
Environmental studies carried out, including voluntaryNumber3336
Release of salmon roeNumber33,700350,000
Migration in fish ladders and migration routes. Number of fish ladders that are monitoredNumber109
Closed watercourse installations returned to natural conditionsNumber00In 2022, the NVE issued a positive recommendation to shut down the Hunsjø Reservoir and reduce the regulation water level for Hyllsjøen. The matter is now being processed by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.
Voluntary release of minimum water flow to protect the fish in the watercoursesNOK million23.312.4The voluntary release in Hemsil was replaced by an imposed release. In Innlandet, there is the self-imposed trial regulation in Hunderfossen, and self-imposed minimum water flow in winter in Mesna and Sagnfossen.
Number of incidents involving emissions into the air/soil/water, and description Number and remarks57In 2022, there were five major or minor oil spill incidents near Hafslund Eco Vannkraft's plants, which resulted in the total discharge of approximately 530 litres of oil.
NOx emissions (Hafslund Oslo Celsio)kg335.4-

Indicator table - Be a driving force for renewable energy through good stakeholder dialogue

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
Hydropower’s reputation among the general publicPer cent8990Support for hydropower is consistently high among the general public. Source: Kantar's Climate Barometer 2022
Percentage of large hydropower projects that have been commenced which include stakeholder dialogue out of consideration to society, the public and the environmentPer cent95-New indicator.

Indicator table - Efficient and circular use of materials and resource utilisation

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
Quantity of hazardous waste-
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the GroupTonnes8-New indicator.
Hafslund Oslo CelsioTonnes17,791-New indicator. For Hafslund Oslo Celsio, fly ash from waste incineration amounts to 17,666 tonnes.
Quantity of non-hazardous waste-
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the GroupTonnes828- New indicator.
Hafslund Oslo CelsioTonnes62,138-New indicator. The majority of Hafslund Oslo Celsio's waste consists of bottom ash (slag) from waste incineration. The ash is further treated by other operators, where metals are extracted and recycled (close to 4,600 tonnes of various metals).
Sorting rate-
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the GroupPer cent89-Sorting rate = Quantity of sorted waste/total quantity of waste (both sorted and unsorted) X 100
Hafslund Oslo CelsioPer cent--
Sorting rate for large hydropower projectsPer cent91-Calculated from four out of six of the largest construction projects.
Quantity of waste treated at waste incineration plantsTonnes355,686-Total Klemetsrud and Haraldrud.

Indicator table - Production of clean energy

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
Production of powerGWh13,80018,315Hafslund's share of production in all power plants.
Share of renewable power productionPer cent100100
Production of district heatingGWh1,807-
Share of renewable district heatingPer cent43.2-
Share of carbon-neutral district heatingPer cent55.3-
Production of Guarantees of OriginGWh13,20018,150
Production of electricity certificatesGWh780852
Power losses as a result of regulatory revisionsGWh14.76.7Power loss of 11.6 GWh/year in the Hols regulation and 2.9 Wh/year in the 24-hour regulation.

Indicator table - Investments in clean energy

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
Increased installed capacity - power productionMW9.9118.9Mork power plant was completed in 2022.
Increased installed capacity - district heatingMW50-Conversion of older facilities to renewable.
Reinvestment in production facilities (upgrades and expansions)GWh1328.2Aurland 1, Unit 2.
Investment in new productionGWh43412Mork power plant was completed in 2022.
Renewable energy projects in planning phaseGWh70026Approximate figures that include: Sarp2, FKF5, Hemsil 2, Longavotn, Kåja, Storrusten, Tunna, Grotli, Øyangen and Bjørkum.

Indicator table - Security of supply

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
Security of supply at CelsioPer cent99.97-Only unplanned stoppage of supply gives 99.99%.

Indicator table - Safety for our employees

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
Absence due to injury per million working hours
Hafslund (the entire Group)H1-value1.2-
Hafslund Eco VannkraftH1-value0.91
Hafslund CelsioH1-value1.6-
Injuries per million working hours
Hafslund (the entire Group)H2-value2.9-
Hafslund Eco VannkraftH2-value3.77
Hafslund CelsioH2-value1.6-
Days of absence per million working hours
Hafslund (the entire Group)F-value3.5-
Hafslund Eco VannkraftF-value4.6203
Hafslund CelsioF-value1-
Registered undesirable incidents and proposed improvements
Hafslund (the entire Group)Number1,325-
Hafslund Eco VannkraftNumber8571,279
Hafslund CelsioNumber468-
Safety talks at CelsioNumber126-

Indicator table - Attractive and developing workplace

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
New hires
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the GroupNumber6935
Hafslund Oslo CelsioNumber23-
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the GroupPer cent6.53.4This includes retirements.
Hafslund Oslo CelsioPer cent4.3-
Proportion of managers who have completed leadership development programmes
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the GroupPer cent100-New indicator.
Hafslund Oslo CelsioPer cent93-New indicator.
Use of whistleblowing channelNumber/year00
Sick leavePer cent3.82.8Still low sick leave compared to the national average. The increase from last year is probably due to increased short-term sick leave as a result of covid-19.

Indicator table - Space for differences and equal opportunities for all

IndicatorUnitResultResult 2021Remarks 2022
Proportion of female employees in the GroupPer cent2222The proportion of female employees has increased at Hafslund Eco Vannkraft and Hafslund Vekst over the past year, however this is brought down slightly by the lower proportion of female employees at Hafslund Oslo Celsio.
Proportion of women in the Group management teamPer cent50-New indicator.
Proportion of women in executive positionsPer cent3228
Number of incidents of discrimination or harassmentNumber0-New indicator.
Number of instances of discrimination or harassment that were processed and for which an action plan was establishedNumber0-New indicator.

Indicator table - Third-party safety

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
Injuries to third parties as a result of the company’s activitiesNumber00
Incidents reported to the NVE (accidents and incidents), cf. NVE reporting form, Section 7-11 of the Dam Safety RegulationsNumber10
Completed risk and vulnerability assessments (RVAs) for public safety according to plan, cf. Section 7-6 in the Dam Safety RegulationsNumber421
Incidents with notification to the public of flood alleviation according to established procedureNumber-0
Emergency response exercises to ensure a high standard for internal preparedness and flood managementNumber3123Emergency response exercises. Excluding IT exercises and practical team exercises.
Applications to the NVE for deviations from regulation schedules or conditions in order to reduce risk of flood damage in timeNumber11Approval of application for advance flood alleviation from Ustevatn to Rødungen South to prevent possible damaging floods downstream from Ustevatn.
Incidents reported to the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) (accidents and incidents), cf. form for reporting accidents and incidents, Section 8 of the Norwegian Safety regulations relating to the maintenance and operation of electrical installationsNumber00

Indicator table - Contribution to society and local value creation

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
Value creation and distribution to host municipalities in the form of direct taxes and feesNOK million447474Paid during the year. Includes natural resource tax and property tax.
Contributions to host municipalities/county authorities in the form of concessionary power benefitNOK million1,549586Paid during the year.
Contributions to municipalities/county authorities in the form of licence feesNOK million8382Paid during the year.
Value creation and distribution to the Norwegian State in the form of direct taxes and feesNOK million4,960132Paid during the year. Tax, employer's National Insurance contributions, licence fee, NOx tax, and incineration fee.
Total remuneration to employeesNOK million751472
Return to owner (City of Oslo) in the form of dividendNOK million1,750850Dividend paid in 2022.

Indicator table - Responsible procurement practices

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
Number of known violations of human rights or workers' rightsNumber00
Number of supplier audits conducted, which includes sustainability issuesNumber00No audits conducted. Work with due diligence assessments and follow-up of suppliers, including supplier audits, is to be strengthened in 2023. This may affect the results going forward.
Percentage of suppliers that have signed ethical guidelines for suppliersPer cent--Suppliers sign ethical guidelines upon entering into contract. Better systems for following up and reporting on this will be introduced.

Indicator table - Focus on ethics and anti-corruption

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
Employees who have pledged to comply with the company's ethical guidelines
Hafslund Eco Vannkraft, Hafslund Vekst and the GroupPer cent--All new employees pledge to comply when signing employment contract. Complete overview of the percentage of non-compliance for the Group, excluding Hafslund Oslo Celsio. At Hafslund Oslo Celsio, 75.8% have signed ethical guidelines.
Hafslund Oslo CelsioPer cent75.8-
Number of confirmed breaches of ethical guidelinesNumber00

Indicator table - Secure IT services and systems

IndicatorUnitResult 2022Result 2021Remarks 2022
Number of IT security incidents that were not dealt withNumber0-New indicator. All IT incidents were dealt with and followed up.
Number of IT security incidents with serious consequencesNumber2-New indicator. Two registered incidents that can be categorised as being more serious. Both incidents were dealt with and followed up with incident reports that included follow-up points.
Number of IT emergency response exercisesNumber3-New indicator. A total of 3 IT emergency response exercises were held in 2022.